Thursday, April 16, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Every now and then, since the beginning of March, I have been sending and fetching her to and from work. As far as I know, there are many who also does the same for their partner. It is possible that some are obligated while some are being genuine in their sincerity. But today, I talk about how it could be one of those simple pleasures in life.

On days when I would be Her Mamat a.k.a. Personal Driver, we would have at least one meal together and lately, two meals being the norm, namely breakfast and dinner. Waking up early solely for the purpose of driving someone to work is not fun in any conceivable way. However, in return, I slowly discovered that despite that fact, I am enjoying the little time shared along the journey. Sleepy…yes, dazed…yes, but also enjoyable simply because of the other person you are with, in that confined space.

After working hours, I would arrive near her work place. To reach the waiting place where we later walk together back to the car, I tend to pass by this wonderland.

Was not it once that a ground similar to the one above, a place where we could free our minds and fling ourselves across the grassy lands? In those moments, we were what we wanted to be and not supposed to be. It was great to be simple and simple to be great. Anyway, I digress.

Down the staircase that extends from the playground and now facing the work place, I patiently waited and eventually gazing at the familiar figure, after a long day at work, warily crossing the two streets that separates us, which is perpetually buzzing with traffic in the evenings when all the homely working people rush to return, to be with their family, to be at home. In the compact sedan, met with a tired smile from her, we would usually be on our way to a dining place. However, deciding on an eatery is somehow never a simple and direct affair, which many a couple or group of friends could attest to. There are times it could be annoying but the option to view it as a form of a unique dialogue between 2 individuals is always there.

On one of those slow after work evenings, we were engaged in the usual “Eh, where to eat?” dialogues. After some moments of indecisiveness, we were at this quaint little café cum restaurant. It was one that she frequents for lunch that was rather nearby the work place. It is then, I knew of this MM Café. Initials for MasterMind Café.

I know I love this type of eateries. Free and easy parking, check. Cosy and will never be too crowded, check. Reasonable food and beverage prices, check. And this one has a soothing and relaxing ambient to boot too.

No fancy food here but that is not to mean that the foods were not delicious. In fact, it is more flavorsome than expected. The lady asked for a chicken pie. I had a bite or two. I liked it.

And as for me, lamb chop was the order of the day. Simple but organized fresh garnishing with decent proportion of meat works for me.

I also gave the non-alcoholic beer in apple flavor a go as the waiter recommended it. It tasted much like sparkling apple juice minus the calories…hehe. Worth the price? Yes, for a change…why not?

As you can see, nothing fancy in here. Not even the happenings in this entry. But still, I find it enjoyable to be writing this. Why?

The answer is simply because I have learned to enjoy the simple things in life. Should not we all?



~_~ said...

I love Simplicity! Great entry! =)

Wen | Way said...

Thank you there! Hope it shed some light about living life simple yet fulfilling.

Amy Koh said...

beautiful entry...I'm tearing at the end of this entry....:)