Saturday, April 26, 2008


A simple intro, this is a blog shared by 2 people. One is fond about computer gadgets, sleep and newly developed interest in photography. He is currently in Spain. The other loves fine things like food especially desserts and whipping up goodies from her kitchen. Food just makes her happy. She on the other hand is back home in Malaysia and runs a part time home based business called bejewelled*.

You will hear of our thoughts and frustrations once in awhile with things that happens in our life. Pictures will be shared too!

This is our way of sharing the little happenings in our not so happening life! Sounds confusing, yes, I know! Well, life is confusing sometimes, ain't it?

Well, 2 words - READ ON!


1 comment:

ღ 關於我 - Masako ღ said...

hey bro,

ur pic look nice beh...! we miss u neh...dont forget upload more pic ya..!