Was a big mash up of people, food and camwhoring. For details of the actual event, go read
J. Ting's entry. What will be shown in this entry is the massive load of camwhoring during the event. Everyone in the photos looked great, you'll see. You have been forewarned *wink*
Err...her shadow is crude. Straight like an antenna though.
Ahh...much better!
Facial Kamikaze by Jason Ting
Less posed = Natural smiles = Better.
Equally Good.
Anonymous 2 goes bonkers.
Ting and Tho followed suit.
I sensed a birdy being flipped. Do Not Like.
The Ultimate Wacko Human Lamp.
The more serious ones. Let loose guys!
Highschool Pals.
One of them bound to get defiled and laughed at. (!)
The BIG group photo! *LIKE*
Camwhore survivors.
Ladies. Lovely.
R E V E N G E .
Thanks for the gifts!
In the next entry, Softbox Power!